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1. To be good at/bad at + N/V_ing

(giỏi về/kém về...)

VD: I am very good at swimming

2. By chance = By accident

(adv: tình cờ...)

VD: I met her in Paris by chance last week

3. To be/get tired of+ N/V_ing

(mệt mỏi về...)

VD: my mother was tired of doing housework everyday

4. Can't help/resist + V_ing

(không nhịn được làm gì ...)

VD: She can't help laughing at her little dog

5. To be keen on/to be fond of + N/V_ing

(thích làm điều gì đó)

VD: My younger sister is fond of playing with her dolls

6. To be interested in + N/V_ing

(Quan tâm đến...)

VD: Mrs Brown is interested in going shopping on Sundays

7. To waste + time/money + V_ing

(Tốn tiền hoặc thời gian làm gì)

VD: He always wastes time playing computer games each day

8. To spend + amount of time/money + V_ing

(dành bao nhiêu thời gian làm gì...)

VD: I spend 2 hours reading books a day

9. To spend + amount of time + on + something

(dành thời gian vào việc gì...)

VD: My mother often spends 2 hours on housework everyday

10. To give up + N/V_ing

(từ bỏ làm gì/cái gì...)

VD: You should give up smoking as soon as possible

11. would like/want/wish + to do sth

(thích làm gì...)

VD: I would like to go to the cinema with you tonight

12. have + (something)to + verb

(có cái gì đó để làm...)

VD: I have many things to do this week

13. It + be + somthing/someone + that/who


VD: It is Tom who got the best marks in my class

14. Had better + V(infinitive)

(nên làm gì...)

VD: You had better go to see the doctor

15. hate/like/dislike/enjoy/avoid/finish/mind/postpone/practise/consider/delay/deny/suggest/risk/keep/imagine/fancy + V_ing

VD: I always practise speaking English everyday

16. To be bored with

(chán làm cái gì ...)

VD: We are bored with doing the same things everyday

17. It's the first time sb have(has) + PII

(Đây là lần đầu tiên ai làm cái gì...)

VD: It's the first time we have visited this place

18. Enough + danh từ(đủ cái gì) + (to do sth)

VD: I don't have enough time to study

19. Tính từ + enough(đủ làm sao) + (to do sth)

VD: I am not rich enough to buy a car

20. Too + tính từ + to do sth

(quá làm sao để làm cái gì...)

VD: I'm to young to get married

21. To want sb to do sth = To want to have sth + PII

(muốn ai làm gì) (muốn có cái gì được làm)

VD: She wants someone to make her a dress

22. It's time sb did sth

(Đã đến lúc ai phải làm gì)

VD: It's time I went home

23. It's not necessary for sb to do sth = Sb don't need to do sth

(ai không cần thiết phải làm gì...)

VD: It is not necessary for you to do this excercise

24. To look forward to V_ing

(mong chờ, mong đợi làm gì)

VD: We are looking forward to going on holiday

25. To provide smb with sth

(cung cấp cho ai cái gì)

VD: Can you provide us with some books in history?

26. To prevent smb from V_ing

(Cản trở ai làm gì...)

VD: The rain stopped us from going for a walk

27. To fail to do sth

(Không làm được cái gì/Thất bại trong việc làm gì)

VD: We failed to do this exercise

28. To succeed in V_ing

(thành công trong việc làm gì)

VD: We succeeded in passing the exam

29. To borrow sth from sb

(Mượn cái gì của ai)

VD: She borrowed this book from the library

30. To lend sb sth

(Cho ai mượn cái gì)

VD: Can you lend me some money?

31. To make sb do sth

(bắt ai làm gì)

VD: The teacher made us do a lot of homework

32. S+be+so+adj+that+S+V

(Đến mức mà)

VD: The exercise is so difficult that no one can do it

33. S+be+such+Adj+N+that+S+V

VD: It's such a difficult exercise that no one can do it

34. It is (very) kind of sb to so sth

(ai thật tốt bụng/ tử tế khi làm gì)

VD: It is very kind of you to help me

35. To find it +Adj+to do sth

(thấy như thế nào khi làm gì)

VD: We find it difficult to learn English

36. To make sure of st/that +S +V

(đảm bảo rằng..)

VD: I have to make sure of that information

37. It takes (smb) + time + to do sth

(Mất của ai bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì...)

VD: It took me an hour to do this exercise

38. To spend + time/money + on sth

(Dành thời gian/tiền bạc vào cái gì...)

VD: We spend a lot of time on watching TV

39. To have no idea of sth = Don't know about sth

(không biết về cái gì...)

40. To/not To + advise smb to do st

(khuyên ai nên, không nên làm gì...)

VD: Our teacher advises us to study hard

41. To plan to do st

(Dự định/có kế hoạch làm gì...)

VD: We planned to go for a picnic

42. To invite smb to do smt

(mời ai làm gì...)

VD: They invited me to go to the cinema

43. To offer smb smt

(mời/đề nghị ai cái gì..)

VD: He offered me a job in his company

44. To rely on sb

(tin cậy, dựa dẫm vào ai)

VD: You can rely on him

45. To keep promises

(giữ lời hứa.)

VD: He always keeps promises

46. To be good at/bad at + N/V_ing

(giỏi về/kém về...)

VD: I am very good at swimming

47. To be good at (+V_ing) st

(giỏi (làm) về...)

VD: I am good at (playing) tennis

48. To prefer smt to smt

(thích cái gì hơn cái gì)

VD: We prefer spending money to earning money

49. To apologize for doing sth

(xin lỗi ai vì đã làm gì)

VD: I want to apologize for being rude to you

50. Had('d) better do smt

(nên làm gì)

VD: You'd better learn hard

51. Would ('d) rather do smt

(thà làm gì.)

VD: I'd rather stay at home

52. Would ('d) rather sb did smt

(muốn ai làm gì)

VD: I'd rather you stayed at  home today

53. To suggest sb (should) do sth

(gợi ý ai làm gì...)

VD: I suggested you (should) buy this house

54. To suggest doing st

(gợi ý làm gì)

VD: I suggested going for a walk

55. Try to do 

(cố làm gì)

VD: We tried to learn hard

56. Try doing smt

(thử làm gì)

VD: We tried cooking this food

57. To need to do sth

(cần làm gì.)

VD: You need to work harder

58. To need doing

(cần được làm gì)

VD: This car needs repairing

59. To remember doing

(nhớ đã làm gì)

VD: I remember seeing this film

60. To remember to do

(nhớ làm gì)

VD: Remember to do your homework

61. To have sth + PII

(có cái gì được làm)

VD: I'm going to have my house repainted

62. To be busy doing smt

(bận rộn làm gì)

VD: We are busy preparing for our exam

63. To mind doing

(phiền làm gì)

VD: Do you mind closing the door for me?

64. To be used to doing sth

(Quen với việc làm gì)

VD: We are used to getting up early

65. To stop to do smt

(dừng lại để là gì)

VD: We stopped to buy some petrol 

66. To stop doing smt

(thôi không làm gì nữa)

VD: We stopped going out late

Chúc các bạn học tốt ^^!