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Speaking Unit 1 trang 20 tiếng anh 6 mới Friend Plus

Speaking trang 20 sgk tiếng anh 6 mới Friend Plus

EX 1. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box. Then watch or listen and check. Are Chris and the woman from the same town?

Giải bài tập tiếng anh 6 mới trang 20 Friend Plus


1. Are we near

2. the bus station

3. any shops

4. five minutes

Are Chris and the woman from the same town? No, they aren’t.


EX 3. Read the Study Strategy and follow the instructions. (Bài tập 3 trang 20 tiếng anh 6 Friend Plus)

A: Excuse me. Are we near the park here?

B: Yes, look, we’re here.

A: How far is the park from here?

B: It’s about 15 minutes on foot.

A: Thanks for your help.

B: You’re welcome.


4. Work in pairs. Practice mini dialogues with How far…? And places 1-4.

1. Excuse me. How far is the market from here?

    It’s about five minutes on foot.

    Thanks for your help.

    You’re welcome.

2.  Excuse me. How far is the cinema from here?

     It’s about ten minutes by bus.

    Thanks for your help.

    You’re welcome.

3. Excuse me. How far is the next town from here?

    It’s about twenty minutes by bike.

   Thanks for your help.

   You’re welcome.


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